Carp in France

Carp in France

Welcome to our 4,5 acres lake !

Located in a 6,2 acres park in middle of France, I am up to 46,3 lbs carps house.

Located in Bourbonnais (actual Allier department in Auvergne area), historical place which gave 8 kings to France.

With 516 historical monuments, Allier is the richest French department and the 2nd one for castels.

This lake appears on Cassini cards (XVIIIth century) and belongs to a lakes chain including Chapeau's castel "Château de la Cour-en-Chapeau" (XVth century). With unique Saint Barthélémy & Saint-Genes roman church (XIIth century), everything here is at least 1.000 years old... but lake has been completly renoved in 1997.

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