Wellingborough Lakes

Wellingborough Lakes

The Mill

This 21 acre gravel pit runs long ways west to east with a three cornered island in the middle which splits the lake in two, there are two long banks 500m with the ‘North bank’ and ‘South bank’ home to the twenty four swims.
The ‘west side’ is generally weedier with depths down to thirteen feet while the ‘east side’ has depths down to nineteen feet, with the shallow margins the Lock bay and Pylon bay weeding up in the summer months.
Fish can be caught from all over the water and they still follow the wind, in time with more angling pressure this may change.
The island has three points the North point is around 50m from the North bank, the West point is around 40m from the South bank and the East point is around 65m from the South bank.
The lakes margins are surrounded with common reed mace and bull rushes and a little further up the banks there are trees and bushes dotted around.
The bigger fish present have been growing every year since we have known the water.
We are proud of the fact the fish are all English nene valley carp with sixty different fish going over the thirty pounds mark with eight making 40-50lb+ before, add to that around eighty twenty pound plus carp.
For twenty three acres there are around one hundred and fifty carp swimming around which is a low stock ratio to other waters but we hope the carp will keep growing at there present rate.
A testament to the quality of the water is the size of the bream and tench that have been caught with only a handful gracing the bank tench to twelve pounds and bream to sixteen pounds plus you know things are going in the right direction.
There is also plenty of pike around with the biggest coming out at twenty three pounds, I am sure with some serious pike fishing over the coming winters bigger fish will grace the banks.
We have stocked a quantity of Dinton strain stockies into this water over the last twelve years, we do not plan to stock any more for the forseeable future.

The Heron Lake

As you enter into the main entrance you see the north end of the Heron lake this twelve acre gravel pit runs south in a half moon shape with a quiet bay at the end, the lake has Canadian pond weed with common reed mace beds dotted around the water.
The shallow margins slope off to between seven and twelve feet, the Lock bay and North bay areas are no more than 60m across while the middle section of the water stretches to 90m across with the south bay around 100m across we have placed the fifteen swims along the west bank only to give the members plenty of space.
We have caught mirror carp to 41lb and common carp to 40lb already there has also been 24 different thirty pound carp caught so far.
For eleven acres there are around two hundred and forty carp swimming around which is a low stock ratio to other waters but we hope the carp will keep growing at there present rate.
There are two car parking areas for this water one at each end.
We have stocked a quantity of Dinton strain stockies into this water over the last five years with more to follow over the next two years.

The Island Lake

If you drive left and along the east bank of the Heron lake you come to the south car park beyond that is the Island lake, at five acre with nine tiny islands along the margins it looks smaller than it is, with only six swims placed along two banks you have plenty of water to fish to, this water also runs from north to south.
Along the margins you have Canadian pond weed in two to three feet of water behind the islands, down the middle of the lake you have depths down to seventeen feet with hard gravel areas dotted between the weed.
The carp have been caught to 38lbs pounds so far, with 13 going over the magical 30+lb mark before. The stock fish show signs of following a new wind most of the time, carp can be seen cruising the margins on sunny days. I expect to see another couple of thirty pound carp to come out in the future.
For five acres there are around 160 carp swimming around which is a low stock ratio to other waters but we hope the carp will keep growing at there present rate.
This lake is likely to be a good stalking water nice and quiet we plan to stock more carp into this water in the near future to create a quality runs water.
We have stocked a quantity of Dinton strain stockies into this water over the last four years with more to follow over the next two years.

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