Tikchik Narrows Lodge

Tikchik Narrows Lodge

Tikchik Narrows Lodge is located in the Bristol Bay region of Southwest Alaska in the 1.5 million acre Wood-Tikchik State Park. Bordering the State Park to the west is the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge which encompasses 4.7 million acres of land. The Wood-Tikchik system contains 13 major lakes which stack one above the other. The western edge of the lakes extend into beautiful fjords into the rugged Kilbuck Mountains. Togiak Wildlife Refuge contains 3 major river systems draining the Kilbuck Mountains to the southwest.

This area is only accessible by float plane and is over 300 miles from the nearest connecting roads system. Unlike most other Alaskan Lodges, Tikchik Narrows Lodge is totally isolated. We are not located in a town or village.  Our neighbors are the undisturbed fish and wildlife which abound in this area.

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