The Tackle Shop

The Tackle Shop

The Tackle Shop is one of the original specialist fishing tackle shops. We've been around for 35 years (we have stopped counting now!). You can buy most of what you need to catch pike, zander, catfish, carp, barbel and so on from us. I own the business and try and make sure we stock the latest products which are of use to specialists. For example we have a much expanded lure range based on my experiences with these new lures. (a 37-08 on one in 2000!) Staff member Bob Hopwood has been pike fishing for over 20 years. He can advise on most aspects of pike fishing. Ian Swannack specialises in pike, big bream and barbel plus just about everything else. The new lad Kieran Killelay fishes for just about everything and can elasticate a pole!

I like a bit of carp fishing as well, but do not go along with much of the hype concerning rigs and baits. None of us will try to sell you something you do not need. Our policy is that most customers are bright enough to spot a hard sell and just as we do not like pushy car salesmen or assistants in clothes shops, we'd not treat our customers that way.

Finally because we have been around forever you can expect us to honour guarantees and deal with mistakes efficiently. We will not disappear overnight!

Last but not least the person that keep things running efficiently is Sue Doyles the manager (she who must be obeyed) . She is ably assisted by Carole Moss.

Opening times
9am - 5-30pm Monday – Friday
9am - 5.00pm Saturday
Closed Sunday.

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