Stenhill Fishery

Stenhill Fishery

The Lake

The lake is 1.1/4 acres and has 2 islands with overhanging willow trees. There are fantastic tree lined margins with reed beds which are ideal for stalking carp. The long island towards the narrower end of the lake now has the "Kiwi" island cabin with wood burner stove. It suits the angler that wants to catch the fish at close quarters wth more traditional tactics such as freelining, float fishing or using a centrepin. The smaller island opposite the lodge decking gives the fish some sanctuary with the overhanging branches offering cover.

Unlike other venues, there are no day ticket anglers onsite. Freedom to fish where you want and - hopefully - no squabbling over swims!! Please note that there are only 4 swims, so we can only accommodate a maximum of 4 anglers with 3 rods each.

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