Rathcon Lake is 8.5 acres and is stocked with top quality rainbow trout. The lake is fly fishing only and designed to allow maximum fishing so that 90% of the water can be covered. The average depth is 10ft with deep holes of up to 20ft in places. The fishery is open all year round and is home to a wide range of fly life, in particular buzzers, sedges, hawthorn and daddylonglegs, all providing excellent dry fly fishing, especially in the summer evenings.
Rathcon Lake’s natural appearance and diverse layout sets it apart from other stocked fisheries. The lake is stocked predominantly with triploid rainbows with good fin and tail condition. The fish quickly become accustomed to the lake’s abundant feeding and thrive in these conditions, becoming as close to wild as possible. Along with the lush wetland and woodland surroundings overlooked by the Wicklow Mountains, anglers can enjoy a truly special day’s fishing.