• Nets and mats to be dipped and rinsed in the tubs provided
• Live baits can ONLY be used by prior arrangement
• Bait boats may be used sensibly (do not cross other anglers
lines/swims etc.
• Barbed hooks may be used if you are confident of removing
them without damage to fish otherwise barbless hooks must be
• Strong long reach forceps/pliers to help remove hooks
• Large landing net adequate to safely land fish - minimum 42”
• Large unhooking mat cradle adequate to protect the fish
• Do NOT retain fish overnight , please take any photographs
quickly and then return fish as soon as possible
• Anglers must have Carp Care kits and use as appropriate
Rods / Line
As a guideline please use rods and line strong enough to land
the biggest fish in the lake. Why risk losing your best ever fish
because you have not got the right tackle.
A guideline of minimum 20lb mono or 80lb braid please.
Hopefully the fish are only going to get bigger (currently 70lb)
My preference would be 25lb mono or 100lb braid. Abrasion
resistant leaders are also required to reduce chances of the
cats pads rubbing through your hook link.
Rigs/line etc may be checked
General Rules
• Environment Agency rod licence(s) will be checked (2 required if 3 rods being used)
• No excessive noise, alcohol or behaviour
• No tree climbing or cutting of trees. No open fires
• Please take all litter (especially hooks and line) home with you
• Please keep the portaloo clean and tidy for the benefit of all to use.
• Anglers please at ALL times respect each others choice of fishing styles and quarry and enjoyment of the facilities available
• Do NOT leave rods unattended (maximum 3 rods)
• You may park behind your swim but do not obstruct the track