Newbridge Lakes

Newbridge Lakes

About the lakes

Newbridge Lake is 7 acres and consists of 13 night pegs. Seven of these are suitable for two to fish together. The remaining are single bivvy pegs.There are also 14 day pegs.
It is stocked with approx. 1000 carp. 95% of these are double figure .Over 150 are over 20lb with at least 18 different 30lb+ carp

Lake records for the carp are:-

Common carp 36lb 2oz

Mirror carp 30lb 4oz

Ghost carp 33lb 11oz

It also has an excellent stock of coarse fish with Bream up to 14lb 8oz, Tench up to 10lb, Roach to 3lb, Rudd to 2lb 12oz
Perch to 4lb and eels to 7lb

We also have two smaller ponds Harrif and Skeckling both are just over an acre in size.

Harrif (two island) is our match style pond and is stocked with common, mirror and F1 carp ,green and golden tench ,bream ,roach, rudd and perch. It has 25 pegs with 20 being the maximum recommended for matches

Skeckling (one island) is less heavily stocked and this allowed many of the fish to grow to specimen size

Carp up to 28lb. Tench to 6lb. Roach to 3lb .Perch to 5lb. Bream to 6lb. Chub to 5lb. Ide to 4lb also some good size roach, rudd ,crucians and gudgeon . Night fishing is available on this pond but must be booked in advance.

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