Lake Vukovina is the oldest C&R lake in Croatia located near the city of Zagreb 10km from the main airport. It has been popular for many years for carp fishing, the record of the lake is carp 35 kg, pike of 100 cm + it is not a problem to catch. Very beautiful landscaped places with beautiful nature that surrounds it are adorned by the appearance of the lake. They inhabit various species of fish: carp, pike, pike, catfish, bass, zandar, perch, various white fish. Pike Fishing Croatia invites you to come and see this beautiful lake, we put a link for additional pictures:

For accommodation on the lake itself, tent positions have been made, each fishing position has places for a bomb or your car to park. Very close to shopping centers for food and supplies, our service is there if you need with payment and delivery agreement. On the lake there is a toilet on each side of the lake, fishermen are visiting the lake every day you can ask them for help everything you need. Boats can be used on the lake for feeding, and accidental catching of fish and extraction system. A very beautiful lake was pulled by many from England to come they were not surprised, nor were they left without a nice entry on the lake. It is worth coming and taking a look .... 

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