Fishing in Upper Bear Creek Reservoir
Background: Upper Bear Creek Reservoir was impounded in 1978 mostly as a flood control reservoir and holds 1,850 acres of water at full pool. Located near the town of Bear Creek and in the corners of Franklin, Winston, and Marion Counties, Upper Bear is one of four Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) reservoirs operated by the Bear Creek Development Authority for flood control and recreation. The shoreline of Little Bear Creek Reservoir has little residential development. Camping and fishing provide the main recreational opportunities. Four public access areas (Twin Forks, Mon Dye, Quarter Creek, and Batestown) and one campground (Twin Forks) service the reservoir. BCDA requires a fishing permit in addition to an Alabama state fishing license. Pre-impoundment topographic maps are available through the TVA.
Fishery: Upper Bear Creek Reservoir is known best for its black bass (largemouth and spotted) fishing, but fishing for crappie, catfish and bream is good also. The lake is renowned for its trophy bass fishing. Fish over 5 pounds are common, with 8 pound and larger bass being taken each year. According to the 1995-2005 Alabama B.A.I.T. reports, Upper Bear has been ranked first-5 times and second-3 times, for the least number of angling hours exerted to catch a bass in excess of 5 pounds. In 2005, it took an average of 114 tournament-angler hours to catch a bass over 5 pounds, ranking it number 1 in Alabama.